Tag Archives: Vegetable

When Is It Ok To Not Buy Organic? Health Series – Part 3


There’s a lot of conflicting information in the news about organic foods. What actually makes it better for you? And with it costing up to a third more, is it really worth it?

Basically, organic fruits and vegetables are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, and are not GMO. There hasn’t been conclusive proof that they are actually more nutritious.

For the next several weeks, we’ll be highlighting 2 foods each week that might be ok to eat if not organic – plus a helpful tip to reduce any risk of pesticide residue.

Eggplant – Because of its rubbery peel, dangerous chemicals can’t seep in. They also don’t stick to the outside. And at a mere 33 calories per cup of cooked eggplant and loaded with fiber, it’s one of the most versatile vegetables enjoyed in a variety of dishes.

Tip – If you’re going to prepare eggplant with the peel still on, use a produce cleaner and rinse with warm water. To be extra safe, peel off the skin with a paring knife.

Sweet Potatoes – Because of its peel, a sweet potato is one of the vegetables least likely to harbor high levels of pesticide residue. With its natural sweetness and generous supply of beta carotene, Vitamin C and fiber, you can enjoy sweet potatoes without worrying about a spike in your blood sugar.

Tip – To be extra safe, use a vegetable brush and water to remove any remaining chemical residue. To be even surer that your sweet potatoes are free of chemicals, use a vegetable scraper to remove the peel.

Next week, we’ll discover how to help ensure that non-organic cantaloupe and sweet peas are ok to eat.


Enjoying a Rainbow of Produce – Blue and Purple Fruits and Vegetables

Blueberry on wooden background

Blue has always been associated with honesty and purple with royalty. Combine them into one group of fruits and vegetables and you have ‘truly’ created the ‘king’ of wellness.

The deep-toned peel of blue and purple fruits and vegetables helps shield them from being damaged by the intense rays of the sun. Their rich hues not only protect precious produce, they hinder free radicals from harming humans.

Although they are separate compounds and found in different foods, anthocyanins and phenolics basically perform the same miracles – reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease and alzheimers. They also have been shown to prevent cellular damage and to slow down the aging process.

The greatest thing about blue and purple fruits and vegetables – there’s always something delicious to make with them year round. Featured below are nutritious blue and purple fruit and vegetable recipes for all to enjoy.


Purple Cabbage – http://cookingfortwo.about.com/od/vegetablesandsidedishes/r/redcabbage.htm

Blueberries – http://www.marthastewart.com/355053/blueberry-jam?czone=food%2Fproduce-guide-cnt%2Fsummer-produce-recipes&gallery=275045&slide=355053&center=276955

Purple Grapes – http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/grape_chutney.html


Plums – http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/roasted_plums.html_0

Eggplant – http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Olive-Oil-Roasted-Eggplant-with-Lemon/Detail.aspx

Raisins – http://www.cookingchanneltv.com/recipes/michael-symon/steak-sauce.html

Next week, we’ll discover how white fruits and vegetables bring surprising nutritional benefits to your diet.






Enjoying a Rainbow of Produce ­– Green Fruits and Vegetables


Zooming down the street, you know a green light means go. And when it comes to green fruits and vegetables, you need to floor it – petal to the metal – to get your plate fully loaded with as many green foods as possible.

Packed with the most nutrients and antioxidants of all produce, green fruits and vegetables are stocked with lutein and indoles. These two components can protect you from harmful free-radicals, while boosting your immune system.

The greatest thing about green fruits and vegetables – there’s a fresh variety available throughout the year. Featured below are delicious green fruit and vegetable recipes to please every palate.


One of the mightiest antioxidants for vision, lutein helps maintain eye health. It specifically helps reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. Lutein also protects skin from dangerous UV rays and keeps it firm and hydrated.

Kiwi – http://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/kiwi_salsa/

Honeydew ­– http://www.realsimple.com/food-recipes/browse-all-recipes/honeydew-mint-00000000017218/index.html

Green Peas – http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/garlic_snow_peas.html


This powerful phytochemical found in green vegetables – especially cruciferous ones – packs a powerful punch against cancer. As an equal opportunity cancer-fighter, indoles help protect both women against breast cancer and help protect men from prostate cancer.

Broccoli ­– http://www.realsimple.com/food-recipes/browse-all-recipes/grilled-broccoli-lemons-00100000064470/

Kale – http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/kale_salad_preserved_lemon_walnuts.html

Cabbage – http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/mediterranean_cabbage_rolls.html

Next week, we’ll discover how dark blue and purple fruits and vegetables offer tremendous nutritional benefits.





Enjoying a Rainbow of Produce – Yellow Fruits and Vegetables

Close up of yellow paprika (Clipping path included)

A golden way to add more nutrition to your diet is by including a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables. Besides livening up your dinner table, they may also help you enjoy a longer life.

There’s nothing to be cautious about when filling up on yellow produce. And laying claim to some of the most powerful of the 10,000 anti-oxidants, yellow fruits and vegetables not only brighten up your plate, they brighten up your eyes.

The two main antioxidants – lutein and zeaxanthin – in yellow produce are like the dynamic duo working together to protect your eyes. Their special powers and several delicious recipes are featured below:

Lutein – One of the mightiest antioxidants for the eyes, lutein slows macular degeneration, which is the leading causing of blindness in the elderly. Lutein also helps prevent cataracts, reduce the risk of heart disease and protect against breast cancer.

Zeaxanthin – Another potent antioxidant for the eyes, zeaxanthin helps build the yellow macular pigment that shields eye cells from dangerous light frequencies. It also neutralizes free radicals that can destroy cells in the eyes.

Yellow Peppers – http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/yellow_pepper_relish.html

Lemons – http://www.realsimple.com/food-recipes/browse-all-recipes/roast-lemon-vinaigrette-10000001178501/

Pineapple ­– http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/pineapple_jalape_o_salsa.html

Corn ­– http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/tilapia_corn_chowder.html

Yellow Squash – http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/pesto_topped_grilled_summer_squash.html

Next week, we’ll discover how green fruits and vegetables are key to living a healthy life.

Sources – http://www.visivite.com/zeaxanthin-information.html


