Category Archives: Mental Health

Positive Thinking Can Influence Your Health


In several research studies, a psychological phenomenon known as ‘framing’ was shown to help people change the way they think about their health. The technique helps people live healthier by listening to that little voice in their head, but in a more positive way.

Basically, framing is the way the brain finds patterns in chaos and creates meaning out of uncertainty. The way one thinks about information has a major effect on their daily life.

For example, while the statement, ‘not exercising regularly can make you gain weight’ can help some lose weight, the statement ‘exercising regularly can help you lose weight’ is more likely to change unhealthy behaviors.

Positive messages like these are called ‘gain-framed messages’ and are proven to be more effective in helping people improve their health by adopting cancer prevention habits, quitting smoking and exercising more.

The positive message inspires us to win, rather than lose. Researchers calculate that a potential win is 1.5 to 2.5 times more beneficial to inspire us.

Other related research found that people who started on a weight loss program and believed they were going to succeed – known as ‘self-efficacy’ – lost more weight during the course of the study.

Other research confirmed that framing could help people be more successful when trying to lose weight. In the study, students were presented with two fabricated articles. One article stated that people were helpless to change their weight because of genetic factors and the other told students they had control over their weight. Those who had read the first article reported that they were less optimistic, more helpless and had less desire to try future diets.

Another study showed that people who framed things in a positive light were more likely to effectively deal with adversity, took proactive steps to protect their health, were healthier, made more money and had better relationships.

A final study about losing weight grouped people by empowering them to stay focused on their weight goal by saying “I don’t” instead of “I can’t” – such as, I don’t eat ice cream as compared to I can’t eat ice cream. Those who used “I don’t” were more likely to practice their healthy habits and avoid unhealthy ones.

To lose weight and build a healthier body, it does matter what one thinks, according to the research. Here are some tips about framing things in a positive way.

Practice positive messaging – The more you recognize how framing works, the sharper your mind will be about reframing negative messages into positive ones, which will lead to a healthier you.

Write it down – To successfully complete your goals, write down when you plan to accomplish them and how you will do that. The more specific you are, the more you will be committed to accomplishing your health goals.

Empower yourself – Use strong affirmative statements and repeat them to yourself, saying phrases such as “I will lose weight,” “I don’t drink soda anymore” and “I can do this.”

Framing your goals in a positive light will help you attain not only your weight and health goals, but can help you succeed in many other facets of your life.


Inspirational Quote of the Day


Getting back in shape, losing weight or lowering your blood pressure isn’t always easy, but it is vital for your health. Setting a health goal – like losing weight – is too vague. Committing to something more specific – like losing one pound per week by leading a healthier lifestyle or lowering your cholesterol level by your birthday – will get you to your goal faster.

Confident People are Healthier and Happier


When a self-confident person comes into the room, people usually take notice right away. What is it about them that’s so appealing. Their smile? Their charm? Their clothes?

It’s none of those things. Self-confident people have a sense of contentment and poise that’s internally deep rooted. But where does it come from? Actually, it has a lot to do with their mental health. According to a study by the British Medical Journal, people with lower self-esteem often suffer from poorer health – especially poorer mental health.

Here are 5 characteristics of confident people and how that helps them live a happier and healthier life.

  • Confident people take care of themselves. They treat their bodies with respect by eating highly-nutritious foods, know when to be active and when to relax.
  • They also don’t beat themselves up when they make a mistake. Everyone has weak moments, but confident people dust themselves off and keep going.
  • Self-confident people celebrate the success of others. People who are well grounded and happy are not jealous of other people and their success – they celebrate them.
  • They refuse to be the victim. Everyone has difficulties and challenges, but self-confident people don’t feel sorry for themselves, nor linger in self-pity.

Self-confident people know how to accept change. If there’s one thing that’s constant, it’s change. They might not like every change, but they accept them and do their best to get in line with the inevitable.

If you feel that you need work with some of these points, visit MindTools or another source that can help inspire you to live a more self-confident life.


Apps Help Strengthen Your Brain Power

Young Handsome Man Using Smart Mobile Phone,

Seems we all wish we were just a little bit smarter. There’s so much information out there, but it’s often difficult to remember. Plus, our capacity to learn new information – and retain it – steadily diminishes as we age.

It might just be that we need to work on our ability to concentrate better and boost our brain’s ability to learn. Thanks to the majority of Americans now owning some version of a smartphone or tablet computer, there are countless apps available that can increase your brain power.

So, we’ve picked 5 apps to help you exercise your mind to help make it stronger for years to come.

Luminosity ­– This app was designed to help you improve your recall and learn things in a faster, better way. Luminosity was designed by neuroscientists who developed clinically proven tools to help speed up your thinking power and improve your problem-solving skills. This app also helps you develop better concentration and memory, as well.

Clockwork Brain ­–This app features a series of mini games guided by Sprocket the Rocket that tests your abilities in logic, math and memory. Clockwork Brain was named one of the 500 best apps in the world by The London Times. An interesting aspect of the app is that all of the artwork is hand-painted by a variety of contemporary artists.

Wiki Hunt ­– If you’ve ever googled something and ended up on a wiki page, you’ll know that you can just keep continuously linking to other sites to discover more information. This app challenges you to learn about reading topical wiki articles with the goal of getting to a pre-determined location in a set number of clicks.

iCue Memory – If you’re bad at numbers, this app is what you’re looking for. iCue Memory is so well created that it’s endorsed by the USA Memory Championship. The app also gives you the capability to compete with other people all over the world for high score rankings.

Brain Challenge – If you like to play games on your smart phone, this app will give you 40 mini games that can train you in visual acuity, memory, logic, math and focus. It also encourages you to explore your creativity and monitor your progress on detailed, but easy-to-use, charts. Brain challenge also helps you learn how to prevent and control stress.

With thousands of brain boosting apps out there, give one of these a try – or find one that fits your needs – to build your thinking power.

Better Ways to Get a Good Night’s Sleep


One of the greatest things in life – waking up refreshed after a wonderful night of sleep. It’s one of life’s greatest luxuries.

What isn’t so wonderful – lying in that same bed when you’re trying to fall asleep, but can’t. Maybe it’s your overbooked schedule that’s on your mind. Maybe you’re one of the 70 million Americans who experience a problem with getting a good night’s sleep. You could be experiencing sleep apnea which causes you to wake up throughout the night due to your airway being restricted

But sleep is more than just a luxury. A good night’s rest is vital for your health and wellness. Most adults need at least 7 hours of sleep per night to help their body and mind rejuvenate. Those who lack adequate sleep are more susceptible to disease and weight gain.

Wondering what you can do to safely drift off to dream land and stay there throughout the night? Here are 5 of the top ways to get a good night’s sleep.

Work out – According to a 2013 poll by the National Sleep Foundation, people who work out reported that they had better sleep than those who don’t work out. Actually, even those who only lightly exercise still are 43% more likely to enjoy a good night’s rest than those who were sedentary.

Smell some lavender – In a recent study by Wesleyan University, women who sniffed lavender before bed reported that they experienced 22% more peaceful sleep. Lavender has long been lauded for helping people fall asleep, and decreasing heart rate and blood pressure.

Think before you eat – People who experience moderate to severe sleep apnea, then switched to a Mediterranean diet – high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish – and walked 30 minutes per day for 6 months, experienced nearly 20 fewer episodes of obstructed breathing per hour of REM sleep. Another study found that people who ate meals high on the glycemic index – like rice, potatoes and pasta that help the body release sleep-inducing tryptophan – fell asleep 49% faster than people who didn’t eat those foods.

Prescription use – Most people know that caffeine or other stimulants before bed are frequent causes of insomnia. But it’s not such common knowledge that certain prescriptions – such as antidepressants – can raise serotonin and norepinephrine. Both decrease your chances of getting quality sleep. If you’ve recently started taking a new medication and it’s affecting your sleep, contact your physician.

Pick a side – According to the Better Sleep Council, those who sleep on their stomachs often experience less quality sleep. However, research in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that people who spend 20 to 80% of the night sleeping on their backs could experience 4 fewer events of obstructed sleeping by rolling on to their side.

There are countless reasons for experiencing poor quality sleep, but if it’s affecting you, visit The Better Sleep Council to help you get your best night’s rest possible.


How to Declutter Your Life

Happy woman with tablet on sofa

For generations, the American dream was to own more things – more clothes … more electronics … more appliances. What did we get from that notion? Garages and storage units packed to the brim with just plain too much stuff.

Not only does saving items eventually grow into piles and piles, but experts say eventually it can turn into embarrassment, stress and depression. Even worse, it reflects a more serious obsessive-compulsive disorder that requires treatment.

But experts also agree that organizing your home and life can give you peace of mind. Which in the end, that’s what we’re really looking for – harmony and happiness.

Here are 5 ways to help you get started decluttering your home and life:

  • If you have a lot of things that you eventually want to part with, you can ease the pain a little by giving away just one thing every day. Within one year, you will have given away 365 things that you didn’t need.
  • Another way to donate a mass of items, but in a faster way – grab a large garbage bag and fill it with as many things that will fit. Once it’s in the bag, it can’t come back out. Immediately drive to a nearby charity that accepts items and donate the entire bag without opening it again.
  • If you’re a numbers person, try Project 33 that challenges people to wear only 33 pieces of clothing for 3 months. If that seems too little, adjust the number and then stick to it. You’ll learn to live with that and eventually adjust to being content with less.
  • Another numbers strategy is the 12-12-12 Challenge. Find 12 items to throw away, 12 items to give away and 12 items to be returned to their proper place in your home. Within a short time, you’ll have organized 36 things in your house.
  • If you’re up for a quick challenge, try 18 Five-Minute Decluttering Tips. Pick one that you like and devote a solid 5 minutes to it. They are fun and simple, ranging from organizing papers, picking just one counter or shelf to organize, or making a long-range plan for tackling the larger projects.

Remember, you didn’t accumulate everything in one day so don’t expect to go from pack rat to bare minimalist overnight. Start small, even if it’s just a drawer or one closet. If you have problems making decisions, ask a friend to help you with some of the tough decisions.

Consider seeking professional help if you feel you have greater needs than just a friend can offer. Experts agree that hanging on to items may have deeper emotional reasons.

In the end, getting rid of useless clutter can help set you free from hanging on to the past and moving on to a brighter and happier future.


How to Be Emotionally Happy and Healthy

Senior man sitting on beach relaxing

You know the scenario. You randomly run into an old friend you haven’t seen in a while. You ask how they’re doing. They’ll usually respond with a hearty – ‘things are great!’ Everyone’s happy, right?

But are they really? Are you? According to a Harris Poll, only about one third of Americans are actually ‘very happy.’ For the majority of folks, random thoughts and behaviors keep them from really being joyful.

If you feel that you’re part of the two-thirds that’s not so content, here are 5 tips to build habits to make 2014 the cheeriest year ever.

Write it down – You can’t be happy unless you figure out what’s not going right. Write them down in a list, send them to yourself in an email or use your smartphone to text yourself. Either way, be honest with yourself. Understanding the problem is half the solution. This will give you some relief and start you on the road to happiness.

Get optimistic – It’s not an easy task, but look on the bright side of things. No matter what’s happening, there’s always a way to realize that the glass is half full rather than half empty. No matter how difficult a situation, try to turn what you’re going through into a positive.

Be active – Whether you’re exercising, dancing, walking or playing a sport – moving your body around actually makes you happy. According to research, dopamine, the chemical produced in the body that plays a role in happiness, is produced when you’re being physically active. Get out there and move around and get happy.

Start listening – Delete the depressing songs from your playlist and toss those sad CDs. Put on some uplifting music and you’ll be on the road to a cheerier you. Research confirms that listening to upbeat songs lifts your spirits. Whether it’s pop, classical, country, opera or dance, listening to music makes you feel happier, especially when you’re trying to improve your mood.

Just relax – There’s so much hustle and bustle going on all day long that it’s often hard to get a moment of peace. But if you want to be better off mentally, you need to take just a few minutes to take a breathier and reflect on your life. For you, it might mean meditating or taking a walk. It could be a quick nap or just sitting out in the sun for a few minutes. You’ll be surprised how that short time will recharge your batteries – and your attitude.

These 5 tips might not lift you to new heights overnight, but don’t give up. If you have a negative person in your life who is more like lead in your balloon than helium, rise above them. Ignore their comments and stay strong.  Find positive people to be with. They’ll not only brighten your day, they’ll help lift your happiness to new heights.

So, the next time an old chum asks you how you’re doing, you’ll honestly be able to tell them that everything is fantastic.


Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions

Successful student on white

You’re starting the second full week of the new year and hopefully you’re still working toward your 2014 resolutions. Whether it’s losing weight – the number one resolution – saving money or getting organized, it’s important to keep aiming for your goal.

Imagine the sweet reward of how pleased you’ll be once you accomplish what you set out to do. According to experts, even though your goal might be to lose weight, that isn’t actually your ‘real’ goal. You really just want be happy and healthy.

Remember, it takes 3 weeks to rewire your life to turn a new habit into a regular routine. If you’re having just a wee bit of trouble maintaining these new ways, here are 5 tips to keep motivated.

Focus – You may have picked several things to accomplish this year. But you can’t do everything at once. Each goal should have several smaller parts to it. Narrow them down to one thing at a time – like how many days you’ll work out – before giving up that you haven’t lost 20 pounds already.

Be positive – Keep your thoughts constructive. Instead of thinking negatively like you feel deprived that you’re not eating French fries at lunch anymore, think about how refreshed you feel after you eat a nutritious and healthy salad instead.

Keep a good pace – If you’ve been addicted to sweets for years, don’t think that just making your resolution is going to keep you from thinking about your favorite dessert. Actually, if you’ve quit cold turkey, you’re probably thinking about it even more. If you find that all you do is dream about that sweet thing you’re missing, consider having just a bite or two – or pick one day a week when you can satisfy your sweet tooth.

Ask for help – It’s not easy to make a lifestyle change. Sometimes you need to share what you’re going through with someone else. If you have a close friend who you can really talk to, chat with them about your struggles. Consider what your resolution is, as well. If it’s losing weight, maybe you want to join a support group. If it’s running a marathon, train with a friend or co-worker who has the same goal in mind.

Celebrate – You’re creating major changes in your life and you need to recognize that you’re making progress. Reward yourself after you’ve hit a milestone. If your resolution was to eat less, don’t reward yourself with a big feast. That will just counteract the progress you’ve made. Once you’ve hit a milestone – even a minor one – buy yourself a new outfit or get a new hairstyle. Being good to yourself will inspire you to want to keep working toward your goals.

No matter how you’re struggling to keep your resolutions, remember, be kind to yourself. Your previous bad habits didn’t happen overnight and you’re certainly not going to overcome them that fast either.

Be practical and patient with yourself. Remember, you’re not trying to punish yourself for something you think you’ve done wrong. You’re reinforcing your positive actions so these new habits become everyday behavior down the road.


Apps To Perk Up Your Mood

Happy Senior Couple Cycling Using Smart Phone Outside in Sunshin

The hectic holidays have come and gone. Maybe it was extra joyous for you. Maybe it wasn’t as festive as you expected. Maybe you’re still walking on cloud. Maybe you have clouds in your coffee.

Either way, it’s time to get back to real life. But after the holiday rush, it’s kind of hard to get motivated. Most people feel some degree of let down after the holidays. That’s natural after all of the festivities. But according to experts, nearly 25% of Americans suffer from a very real combination of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or a case of the winter blues.

So, we’ve picked 5 apps to help lift your post-holiday blues and stress to get you on a happy path to the new year.

Head Space – Feeling stressed out or can’t concentrate? Head Space works on both iOS and Android, and makes it simple to practice meditation and mindfulness. Features 10-minute meditation sessions on how to effectively sit, breathe and relax.

Gratitude Stream – Do you ever feel so blessed and grateful that you just want to share it with someone? Or see what others are grateful for? Gratitude Stream is a global sharing of good thoughts and what people are thankful for. Feel free to share or just read about others’ happiness.

Let Panic Go – Ever worry so much that your thoughts race uncontrollably and you experience shortness of breath. That’s a panic attack and it’s often due to feelings of fear about things you can’t control. Let Panic Go is designed to interrupt that cycle of thoughts to help you get your emotions under control.

iZen Garden – Now you can experience all of the peace of a zen garden without all of the messy sand. iZen Garden lets you chose from 100s of objects, plants and creatures to place in your garden and then rake the sand. After, you can share your zen garden with others and be inspired by their creations.

Live Happy – Felling a bit down? Need your happiness boosted? Live Happy helps you boost your overall happiness by engaging in simple activities that help improve your psychological well-being and chase away negative thoughts.

With more than one million phone apps on the market, try one of these – or explore others – to help elevate your mood and get back to enjoying happy thoughts.


Clouds In Your Coffee Today?

Woman behind wet window with a cup of coffee or tea

Did you wake up a little blue this morning – even though everything around you is still dripping in bright holiday red and green? Maybe the holidays didn’t quite pan out the way you dreamed they would. Or maybe they didn’t measure up to the fond memories of your childhood.

Are you trying to enjoy those around you, but thinking of your loved ones no longer with you? Maybe thinking of all of the presents you didn’t buy for people or those you really couldn’t afford to give, but did? Maybe you’re starving for happiness even though you over indulged in so much food this season?

According to experts, the holidays are notorious for mixed emotions. It’s quite common to feel a little melancholy, especially during this time of so much supposed joy and happiness. But what can you do to move past being down and feel a little bit better about yourself?

Here are 5 tips to lift your mood today – or any day for that matter.

Embrace your feelings – If you’re missing someone who is no longer here, remember a happy occasion you spent together. Don’t regret that they’re gone. Appreciate a special time you enjoyed together.

Understand what happened – Why are you feeling down? Did someone not appreciate your gift? Did you burn the dinner? Break a treasured ornament? Sometimes we set such high expectations that they just can’t be met. Accept that life is imperfect and remember the good moments. There were probably a lot more wonderful things than you realize.

Indulge yourself – Maybe you were so focused on trying to make everyone else’s holiday perfect that you ignored your own needs. What makes you happy? Do that. If it’s watching a movie or chatting with a friend, do that. Right now.

Let it go – Did a family member or friend treat you in a predictable way? You know, the way that upsets you. Learn to accept them the way they are or talk with them about how they make you feel. If that doesn’t work, plan how you will deal with it next year so they can’t impact your mood.

Take a hike – Did you overindulge and feel guilty about it? Or was it the opposite – you didn’t really have any fun? You didn’t get what you wanted? There are so many possible things that might not have gone your way. Then get outside and go for a walk. If you live in a cold region, bundle up and appreciate the fresh snow. If you live in a mild climate, go for a walk on the beach or in the mountains. You’ll be amazed at how just a short walk might lift your mood.

Go ahead and try out one or all of these tips – right now – to help chase the clouds away. Give it some time and see how you feel. Temporary sadness oftentimes just goes away on its own after a few days. If your emotions don’t lift, or you develop signs of clinical depression, make an appointment with your medical professional.