Category Archives: Fitness

Inspirational Quote of the Day


Getting back in shape, losing weight or lowering your blood pressure isn’t always easy, but it is vital for your health. Setting a health goal – like losing weight – is too vague. Committing to something more specific – like losing one pound per week by leading a healthier lifestyle or lowering your cholesterol level by your birthday – will get you to your goal faster.

Secrets to Staying Young


Research on aging has always focused on health conditions getting worse as we age. But that half glass mentality is being challenged by researchers who are exploring the secrets of those people who continue to stay healthy and alert as they age.

Studies at the Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease Center at Northwestern’s Feinberg School of Medicine are discovering why some people stay healthy and vital even well into their 80s – and older.

Here are 5 things they learned about healthy habits of the ‘superaged.’

Stop overeating – People of Okinawa, Japan – with the greatest elderly population in the world – stop eating when they are 80% full. Research found that when people exercised more and ate less, which helped lower production of a thyroid hormone – T3 – it slowed their metabolism. The researchers believe that the lowering of T3 also slows the aging process.

Increase your brain power – Learning a new language, exploring interesting places or developing a new skill can actually help you live longer. Studies show that people in their 80’s who scored the same on performance tests as people in their 50s, were found to have less deposits of protein – often called ‘brain tangles’ – that are linked to Alzheimer’s.

Imbibe a little – According to the Mayo Clinic, studies have shown that resveratrol found in red wine can actually help you live longer and keep your mind sharp. One glass per night for women and 2 for men can help keep bones stronger and help maintain coordination. It can also help prevent heart disease, inflammation and cataracts. Before adding wine to your diet, be sure to consult your health care provider to ensure it will not counteract any treatments or medication.

Shed some pounds – In a recent study, researchers tracked nearly 7,000 people and found that those with significant belly fat in midlife had nearly triple their risk of dementia. Belly fat – which is often visceral fat attached to the internal organs – is known to be a chief cause of many major health concerns, as well.

Eat more produce – Diets rich in plant-based foods have been found to increase the chance of living to a ripe old age. By including a variety of fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds, you’ll be taking nature’s best medicine – antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. By reducing meat and refined carbohydrates, you’ll reduce the internal oxidation process that leads to early aging.

Just by practicing a few of these suggestions, you can increase the chances of leading a long and healthy life for many years to come.


Better Ways to Get a Good Night’s Sleep


One of the greatest things in life – waking up refreshed after a wonderful night of sleep. It’s one of life’s greatest luxuries.

What isn’t so wonderful – lying in that same bed when you’re trying to fall asleep, but can’t. Maybe it’s your overbooked schedule that’s on your mind. Maybe you’re one of the 70 million Americans who experience a problem with getting a good night’s sleep. You could be experiencing sleep apnea which causes you to wake up throughout the night due to your airway being restricted

But sleep is more than just a luxury. A good night’s rest is vital for your health and wellness. Most adults need at least 7 hours of sleep per night to help their body and mind rejuvenate. Those who lack adequate sleep are more susceptible to disease and weight gain.

Wondering what you can do to safely drift off to dream land and stay there throughout the night? Here are 5 of the top ways to get a good night’s sleep.

Work out – According to a 2013 poll by the National Sleep Foundation, people who work out reported that they had better sleep than those who don’t work out. Actually, even those who only lightly exercise still are 43% more likely to enjoy a good night’s rest than those who were sedentary.

Smell some lavender – In a recent study by Wesleyan University, women who sniffed lavender before bed reported that they experienced 22% more peaceful sleep. Lavender has long been lauded for helping people fall asleep, and decreasing heart rate and blood pressure.

Think before you eat – People who experience moderate to severe sleep apnea, then switched to a Mediterranean diet – high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish – and walked 30 minutes per day for 6 months, experienced nearly 20 fewer episodes of obstructed breathing per hour of REM sleep. Another study found that people who ate meals high on the glycemic index – like rice, potatoes and pasta that help the body release sleep-inducing tryptophan – fell asleep 49% faster than people who didn’t eat those foods.

Prescription use – Most people know that caffeine or other stimulants before bed are frequent causes of insomnia. But it’s not such common knowledge that certain prescriptions – such as antidepressants – can raise serotonin and norepinephrine. Both decrease your chances of getting quality sleep. If you’ve recently started taking a new medication and it’s affecting your sleep, contact your physician.

Pick a side – According to the Better Sleep Council, those who sleep on their stomachs often experience less quality sleep. However, research in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that people who spend 20 to 80% of the night sleeping on their backs could experience 4 fewer events of obstructed sleeping by rolling on to their side.

There are countless reasons for experiencing poor quality sleep, but if it’s affecting you, visit The Better Sleep Council to help you get your best night’s rest possible.


Poor Weight Loss Resolutions – Part 4

Man doing spinning at the gym

Three weeks into the new year and hopefully you’re still focused on getting back to a healthier weight. You’re trying to eat better, work out more and make overall better choices.

That’s obviously easier said than done. Not one of those 3 things is easy – but they’re worth working on. If you’re sticking with your routine, you’re on your way to better health and happiness in 2014.

For the past 3 weeks, we’ve featured 3 tips per week of not so wise ways to lose weight, and then alternatives to make this year’s resolutions turn into new routines. And accomplishing your weight-loss goals will help build your self-confidence to tackle other items on your list this year.

The 3 points this week focus on adding exercise – rather than decreasing foods – in a wise and planned out way.

I’m going to exercise more – Saying you’re going to exercise more isn’t definite enough of a plan to be successful. More than what? More than once a week? More than twice a week?

In its place, set a definite number of times you’ll go to the gym. Schedule one night when you’ll go to a class, another night make an appointment with a trainer and another night go to a spin class with a friend. It’s better to start out with less committed nights and then add more as your interest grows.

I’m doing yoga 4 times a week – While yoga is a wonderful way to stretch and sculpt muscle, burning only about 200 calories in an hour won’t do much for weight loss.

Rather – Don’t nix yoga completely, but include a variety of workouts. Maybe you’re intimidated by the weight rack, but spend some time with light weights. Your weight loss results will show fairly quickly. Try a Zumba class or swim laps. Even walking for 20 minutes can have a major impact on losing weight.

I’m going to work out 2 hours every day – Trying to carve 14 hours out of your week, every week, is definitely setting yourself up for failure. Not only will you get bored, or possibly toss in the towel after you miss a few days, but you can also injure yourself with that much intensive exercise.

Instead – Make a plan for a certain amount of days that fit into your weekly schedule and commit to that. You can increase the number of days later if that works, but don’t over commit. Before you even get to the gym, have a plan of what you can do in just 30 minutes. Maybe it’s an intense session on the treadmill or interval training that uses a variety of machines. Intense, mini-sessions actually help you burn more calories quicker and can suppress your post-workout appetite – all that accelerates weight loss.

Hopefully, our month-long series of substituting poor diet methods for smarter alternatives has you not only on the road to a healthier body, but a more positive and happy future.


Try PiYo to Get in Shape

Senior Man Doing Press Ups In Gym

It’s the new year and time to try out fresh ways to live a better life. If you’re bored with your current workout where you endlessly walk on a treadmill to nowhere or hoist the same weights the same way every day, then PiYo might be a fun change of pace.

Never heard of PiYo? Most people haven’t. But chances are, you’ve heard of Pilates and yoga. Now the word PiYo – pronounced pie-yo – probably makes a little more sense. PiYo combines the mind and body practices of yoga and Pilates, as well as stretch, strength training and conditioning.

Pilates, which has its roots in gymnastics, focuses more on the body’s core muscles – legs, abdominals, arms, hips and back. Although yoga does build muscle and flexibility, it is serene and introspective. But if you’re like some, you may not enjoy the traditionally gentle tempo of yoga. If you’re looking for more action and activity in a workout, then this fusion of Pilates and yoga has it.

Each ‘lesson’ – as sessions are called in PiYo – integrates strength, flexibility and balance training. Certified instructors follow choreographed routines, including the music selections. And one of the best parts, that choreographed workout constantly changes, along with the upbeat contemporary music that accompanies each lesson.

As a hybrid activity, one second you’ll be doing a specific yoga pose, then morph into a Pilates pose, then do a few 3-point pushups and then on to more poses – in a non-stop fluid motion for an entire hour. If you’re having trouble visualizing it, think back to the yesteryear game of Twister, but on a yoga mat – all to exhilarating music.

So, if you’re searching for a fun way to burn calories, tone muscles and work out your entire body, look for a PiYo class at a fitness center in your area.


Poor Weight Loss Resolutions – Part 3

Sweet dessert in glass jar - strawberry cake

The over-indulgence of the holiday season is now a distant memory. You’re trying to eat better in 2014 – working toward your weight loss goals. But hopefully in a smart way.

Throughout the month, we’ve been highlighting 3 tips each week of poor ways to lose weight and then a wiser alternative to stick with your health goals. Soon, you’ll be looking and feeling healthier and happier.

Cutting out all junk foods – Although it is a good idea to eat healthy foods all the time, it’s just not realistic. Dietary experts know that it’s almost impossible to completely cut out all unhealthy snacks – especially ones you really enjoy. Trying to avoid any temptation usually turns to binging in the end.

In its place, follow the 80/20 rule – eat healthy foods 80% of the time and things that might not be so great for you 20% of the time. Even weight experts say it’s okay to enjoy small portions of your favorite snacks, as long as the majority of your diet is lean protein, fruits and vegetables, and whole grains.

Skipping breakfast – The calories you skip by not eating breakfast will actually make you gain weight, not lose it. Studies show that people who skipped breakfast indulged in high calorie and fattening foods later in the day.

Rather, enjoy a breakfast that gives you a sensible combination of lean proteins and complex carbohydrates. Eat just a slice of whole-wheat toast, a small bowl of oatmeal or some yogurt with fruit or nuts to rev up your metabolism. It’ll also help you stave off cravings throughout the day.

No eating in the evening – No matter what time of day you eat, if you don’t burn those calories right away, they may be stored for later – as fat. The problem with eating heavy amounts of food before bedtime is that it affects quality sleep – which can affect your hunger the next day. Research at University of Pennsylvania found that the sleep-deprived consumed more calories the next day than those who were well-rested.

Instead, if you enjoy snacking in the evening, make sure it’s something that’s balanced with healthy fats, carbohydrates and proteins – and something that won’t interfere with your sleep patterns. Try some low-fat cheese and whole-grain crackers, frozen fruit mixed with yogurt or whip up a quick smoothie in your blender. If you have trouble sleeping that night, make sure to try something else another night.

Next week, we’ll cover the final 3 tips on how to diet wisely so you can feel good about your nutritional success this year.


Apps Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals

friendship and fitness in the parc

If you’re like many, January brings a renewed interest in fitness. You’re committed to working out more, eating better and losing weight. And after you accomplish all of those, you’re hoping to be happier.

And you will be. Research supports that.

Yes, getting in shape actually makes you happier. According to a study at Penn State, people who are active and in shape are actually happier. Not only are endorphins released when you’re working out, but the results from being in shape make you look and feel great.

So, we’ve picked 5 apps to help you accomplish your fitness goals and be delighted with the results.

Navy SEAL Fitness – If you’re looking for a great motivator to get back in shape, this app is the ultimate in hardcore exercise. Although it’s more like a textbook than an instructional aid, Navy SEAL Fitness covers every topic related to fitness – from cardio to stretching to nutrition. If you’re serious about changing your exercise ways, this app will definitely guide you.

Wellness Tip of the Day – This app is on another end of the spectrum when it comes to motivation. Wellness Tip of the Day provides health tips from the world-renowned Cleveland Clinic. Just as its name suggests, you’ll get one tip per day to inspire you to reach new levels of healthy living.

FitnessBuilder – If you really want a host of options to help you get back in shape, then this is the app for you. FitnessBuilder sorts workout ideas and videos by location – inside, outside, hotel room – by type – cardio, yoga, weights – and by goal – flexibility, weight loss or conditions. There is even an added feature where you can ask a personal trainer a specific question – right from the app.

Ease into 5K – Maybe you’re not into a variety of workouts – you just like to run. Plus maybe you’re working toward competing in a 5K event. Ease into 5K starts you out with the basics of how to train for the run and will have you at that goal in just 9 weeks. The app actually interrupts your musical playlist to advise you when to switch from walking to running and so on. Plus it logs your progress so you can measure how well you’re doing.

Good Food Healthy Recipes – When it comes right down to it, your health and wellness are based on what you eat. You not only need to dine right, you need to enjoy what you eat. Good Food Healthy Recipes isn’t really geared to help you lose weight fast, but it will offer you delicious options of sensible foods – that taste good too. With a suggested meal plan for just about every situation, this app will help you power up and be ready to lead an active life.

With thousands of fitness apps available, give one of these a try – or find one that fits your needs – to help you reach your fitness goals this year.


Get Moving With Zumba

Senior couple in fitness center

With 2013 over and the slate wiped clean, you’re ready to start anew in 2014. If you’ve been bored with your exercise routine, maybe it’s time to start with something fresh in that arena, as well.

You might want to give Zumba a try. If you’ve seen the commercials where athletic people dance in perfect unison to exciting music – that’s only a small part of the story. Zumba is energetic and fun, but you don’t have to be a skilled dancer to enjoy the benefits. There’s something for people at all levels of fitness.

Zumba is the perfect type of exercise for all ages to enjoy ­– at their own rate. There are versions for children, seniors and even water classes. If you’re looking for a way to have fun while you exercise, you might discover Zumba is right for you.

Basically, Zumba is a lively aerobic exercise that incorporates dance moves from around the world – hip-hop, samba, salsa, merengue and mambo. Depending on the instructor, the class may also feature current dance hits, pop and country. No matter the music, it’s always exhilarating.

It’s not just all about the fun though. Zumba features a host of solid health benefits with weight loss being its biggest draw. Dancing to the beat for an hour can burn between 600-1,000 calories. With its variety of movements, Zumba helps you improve your coordination, as well.

Zumba is also a great way to tone your whole body at once. Through the specially choreographed moves, different muscles constantly are engaged allowing you to tone your entire body without even realizing it.

Besides burning calories and toning your muscles, Zumba choreography is designed to help you release mood-improving endorphins. This will help you feel not only healthier, but also happier.

Another added bonus – the people you’ll meet. Zumba classes attract people who want to have fun while they’re working out. You’ll be meeting, and socializing with, new people as you exercise.

So, if you’re looking for something a little bit different and a lot a bit fun, look into trying a Zumba class. If you’re too intimated to take the plunge alone, consider inviting a fun friend along.

It’s so upbeat and fun, you won’t even realize you were exercising for an hour.


Poor Weight Loss Resolutions – Part 2

Smiling young woman drinking fresh cocktail

You’re finishing up the first full week of your New Year’s resolution to lose weight, but the numbers on the scale aren’t dropping very fast. Don’t feel discouraged – just stick with it.

And especially don’t attempt a drastic way to drop the pounds faster. Remember, sure and steady wins the race.

Throughout the month of January, we’re highlighting 12 ways – 3 per week – of a poor way to try to lose weight and then a healthy alternative to stay on track. In the end, you’ll feel better and be proud of your accomplishment.

Extremely reduce calories – If you cut your calories in half, of course you’ll lose weight. The problem is, when you start eating normally again, you’ll be right back to where you were before – or worse. Yo-yo dieting and starving yourself is unwise and unhealthy. Those who can’t maintain their drastic weight loss usually eat – and ultimately gain – more due to shame and stress.

Instead, reduce your calories by about 500 to safely lose fat. Based on a general 2,000-calorie diet, you may consider reducing your intake to about 1,500 calories per day. Even losing just a few pounds can boost your confidence level and give you a sense of pride.

Drastic juice-cleanse – After too much holiday celebrating, detoxing your body with a juice cleanse can be a good idea. But extreme cleansing that replaces all of your food for an extended period is not a good idea.

Rather, jumpstart your weight loss by replacing 2 meals a day with fresh, cleansing juices and then a sensible meal with 4 ounces of high-quality protein, fresh vegetables and whole grains. Do this for up to 5 days and you’ll not only lose weight, you’ll feel much better about yourself.

Going vegetarian – Abruptly cutting all meat out of your diet doesn’t necessarily decrease the amount of calories you’re eating. Sometimes, vegetarian foods are high in processed carbohydrates and have hidden calories that sabotage your weight loss.

It’s better to just limit your intake of lean animal proteins to 3 – 4 ounces or – for an easier visual – just a quarter of your plate. Fill the rest of your plate with whole grains, fruits and vegetables. If you’re still trying to avoid the protein from meat, but don’t want to skimp on the protein, try incorporating more beans or tofu. The addition of phytochemicals and antioxidants into your diet has even been found to elevate your mood.

Next week, we’ll highlight 3 more common scenarios and how you can beat them to stay on your nutritional journey in 2014.


Poor Weight Loss Resolutions – Part 1

Woman buying strawberries at farmer's market

If you’re like most people in America, your New Year’s resolution has something to do with losing weight. No matter if it’s just 5 pounds – or even 50 – everyone wants to drop a few pounds.

The problem – most weight loss resolutions go out the window the first time you walk past a donut shop or get a strong whiff of French fries from a fast food joint. An even bigger problem, expecting too much from yourself when it comes to changing your eating habits.

Throughout the month of January, we’ll be highlighting 12 ways – 3 each week – how people often fail when it comes to keeping diet resolutions. By seeing how it doesn’t work – and then learning a wiser way  – you’ll be able to set and accomplish more realistic goals.

Plan to lose too much – if you choose a large number like 25 or even 50 pounds, that’s not a very manageable way to lose weight.

In its place, decide that you’ll lose 1 pound – or even half a pound – per week for the year. It’s the same amount, but just broken down into smaller, more realistic goals. Then learn what it would take to lose that much each week. Cut out a few high-calorie coffee drinks. Don’t finish everything on your plate. Small goals are much easier to attain.

Fads are for fashion – Don’t get hooked on every new diet fad that comes along. They’re usually too extreme and not good for your overall health – both physical and emotional. They often backfire and cause you to gain more weight back afterwards.

Rather, eat well-balanced meals comprised of healthy proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Sound lofty? Basically, skip the big plate of pasta, add more vegetables and be sure to include approximately 4 ounces of lean protein at each meal. Enjoy delicious, satisfying snacks like nuts, fruit or yogurt. Eating like this has been proven to help people lose weight and keep it off.

Eating only at home – It’s often true that foods at most restaurants are higher in calories than meals cooked at home. But it’s not realistic to boycott everything not prepared at home. You can’t just skip every social outing that involves food.

Instead, go out with your friends, but eat wisely. If you can’t keep your hands out of the bread basket, move it away, or just allow yourself to try one kind. Don’t go to the restaurant starving either. Eat a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts before you go. They won’t fill you up enough to skip eating, but they will curb your appetite a bit so you don’t order something too large.

Next week, we’ll highlight 3 more common scenarios and how you can beat them to stay on your nutritional journey in 2014.
