Tag Archives: Yogurt

Spotlight on Superfoods – All About Yogurt

milk bottle and fresh yogurt

It’s amazing how something that tastes so good could actually be so good for you. When it comes to yogurt, the last 30 years has seen a boon in its popularity – coupled with the scientific evidence to prove it really is a super food.

But the admiration of yogurt doesn’t originate in this century. People have been enjoying it for more than 8,000 years when they carried milk products in containers made of animal stomachs in the warm climates of central Asia. Actually, the word ‘yogurt’ comes from the Turkish language.

Although history records that Genghis Khan and his armies thrived on yogurt, we can thank Turkish immigrants who brought yogurt to North America in the 1700s for sparking its popularity here.

So what makes yogurt so nutritious and delicious? The delicious part is easy – being a dairy product, it’s naturally creamy and sweet. Through the fermentation process, it develops its tangy taste that can be complemented with sweet fruit or savory nuts.

Besides the delectable taste, it’s the nutritional features that make yogurt a wise choice to add to your diet. Scientifically, yogurt is cultured milk that is thickened by healthy bacteria – that’s how yogurt gets its distinctive tart flavor.  Teeming with probiotics, yogurt helps balance beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. It’s also well documented to aid in boosting the immune system.

Yogurt is also linked to benefitting the cardiovascular system because it helps lower blood pressure. It’s also loaded with protein and calcium which helps build strong bones and muscle.

Yogurt also helps you lose weight. The calcium signals your fat cells to pump out less cortisol – the hormone that makes you accumulate fat – making it easier to lose weight. The amino acids in yogurt also help you burn fat.

It’s also loaded with an ample supply of vitamins. Besides potassium, riboflavin, zinc and phosphorus, the Vitamin B-12 is vital for your brain and nervous system to function effectively. In fact, an 8-ounce serving features more than half of the daily requirement of B-12.

An added bonus is what eating yogurt does to your body after a workout. With just the perfect ratio of protein to carbohydrates, yogurt gives you an ample supply of amino acids that helps repair muscles. It also helps you replace your energy stores you lose during exercise.

You probably already know yogurt is wonderful alone or in smoothies, but here are other ways to enjoy its flavor and nutritional benefits throughout the day.

Pancake Sauce – Instead of maple syrup, butter or jam, try this pancake topper.

Yogurt Soup – Try this delicious soup popular in Turkey and Central Asia.

Cumin Yogurt Carrots – Enjoy this interesting sauce over your vegetables.

Yogurt Stroganoff – Instead of heavy cream, use yogurt for this dinner dish.

Sweet and Spicy Yogurt – Skip the ice cream for dessert and try this savory dessert.







Poor Weight Loss Resolutions – Part 3

Sweet dessert in glass jar - strawberry cake

The over-indulgence of the holiday season is now a distant memory. You’re trying to eat better in 2014 – working toward your weight loss goals. But hopefully in a smart way.

Throughout the month, we’ve been highlighting 3 tips each week of poor ways to lose weight and then a wiser alternative to stick with your health goals. Soon, you’ll be looking and feeling healthier and happier.

Cutting out all junk foods – Although it is a good idea to eat healthy foods all the time, it’s just not realistic. Dietary experts know that it’s almost impossible to completely cut out all unhealthy snacks – especially ones you really enjoy. Trying to avoid any temptation usually turns to binging in the end.

In its place, follow the 80/20 rule – eat healthy foods 80% of the time and things that might not be so great for you 20% of the time. Even weight experts say it’s okay to enjoy small portions of your favorite snacks, as long as the majority of your diet is lean protein, fruits and vegetables, and whole grains.

Skipping breakfast – The calories you skip by not eating breakfast will actually make you gain weight, not lose it. Studies show that people who skipped breakfast indulged in high calorie and fattening foods later in the day.

Rather, enjoy a breakfast that gives you a sensible combination of lean proteins and complex carbohydrates. Eat just a slice of whole-wheat toast, a small bowl of oatmeal or some yogurt with fruit or nuts to rev up your metabolism. It’ll also help you stave off cravings throughout the day.

No eating in the evening – No matter what time of day you eat, if you don’t burn those calories right away, they may be stored for later – as fat. The problem with eating heavy amounts of food before bedtime is that it affects quality sleep – which can affect your hunger the next day. Research at University of Pennsylvania found that the sleep-deprived consumed more calories the next day than those who were well-rested.

Instead, if you enjoy snacking in the evening, make sure it’s something that’s balanced with healthy fats, carbohydrates and proteins – and something that won’t interfere with your sleep patterns. Try some low-fat cheese and whole-grain crackers, frozen fruit mixed with yogurt or whip up a quick smoothie in your blender. If you have trouble sleeping that night, make sure to try something else another night.

Next week, we’ll cover the final 3 tips on how to diet wisely so you can feel good about your nutritional success this year.







Easy and Nutritious Snacks

Boiled eggs

Sometimes you just need a little snack to tide you over. Those times when a hefty sandwich is way too much and a handful of grapes just won’t do.

These easy-to-prepare treats are not only good, they’re good for you. And fairly low in fat and calories. Packed with vitamins and nutrients, you’ll want to pass over the chip bowl and reach for one of these.

Eggs – keep a couple hard-boiled eggs in your fridge or whip up your favorite style on the stovetop in mere minutes. Whether you like them scrambled or over easy, add a few drops of olive oil into a hot pan and you’re on your way to a quick treat.

Veggies – if you’re looking for something crunchy and colorful, try a variety of raw veggies. Fill a bowl with carrots, celery, broccoli, cauliflower or mushrooms – or whatever you like ­– and indulge in this nearly calorie-free snack. If you savor a little more flavor, dunk them in yogurt or hummus, but pass on the high-calorie dips and dressings.

Dried Fruit – just chewing on a few pieces of dried fruit will make you think you’re chomping on your favorite childhood candy. Consider experimenting with fruits you don’t normally eat fresh, like dried figs, plums, cherries or apricots.

Fruit Smoothie – blend a little yogurt and ice with a handful of strawberries or an apple – or any fruit – for a glass of digestion-enhancing probiotics. It will fill you up without overloading you with fat and calories.

Yogurt Cup – if you don’t want to rev up the blender, just mix the yogurt and fruit in a small glass or cup. Less noise, same benefit. If you go the pre-packaged route, watch out for excessive sugar that can add empty calories to an otherwise nutritious snack.

For more snack ideas, visit www.eatingwell.com/search/apachesolr_search and type in your favorite ingredients. Enjoy one of their options or invent your own.